Success, failure and mediocrity all have a common denominator ‘Experience‘. Though am not yet at the juncture of those three state of minds putting forward my experience on the way could be an inspiration, warning or a humor story for the one who is reading this. ‘This’ will be a series of blogs on my startup journey starting from this article.

Jan 2020 [+1Y4M] - Whenever I mention a date I will include a duration that will denote the offset from the day I officially started up

There is no change until there is a sufficient push both in the physical state (refer to Newton’s blog) and in the mental state. Let’s begin with summarizing 19 years of minor pushes, of which’s outcome I can’t put in words.

After various schools for 15 years I started out college at PETRONAS University of Technology for a bachelors in electrical and electronics engineering. What came with my university syllabus was an 8 month compulsory internship period which was taken quite seriously with students going on to work with their intern companies once they graduated.

August 2014 [-4Y] – An internship offer from Schlumberger is something you didn’t say no to, at least in an University that belongs to one of the petroleum giants. A internship with a good monthly stipend in a sought after firm was put up against been back home. I waited it out looking for internships on some firms back home and on the nick of time took an internship with a German firm in Coimbatore manufacturing gearboxes for wind turbines.

For an electrical and electronics engineering student who is already into making software as a profession dropped in a manufacturing industry was a shocker. The next 8 month of my internship with them was one of the most productive period of my professional life thanks especially to my supervisor during that period.

Being put into an environment that was out of context and comfort from the expectations and activities was a good experience. Being a electrical and electronics engineer with a good experience of working and making money on software development in an manufacturing industry knowing their pain points – these situation and experience was the push towards starting up in the field I did – Industry 4.

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